
Many diseases may develop into uremia

Poison terrible is self-evident, whether through radio and television, or online media, we are afraid of uremia should have a certain understanding. Uremia is the final stage of the development of many diseases, many uremic patients due to treatment and the condition has not been effectively controlled and died, it is a serious threat to human life, one of the serious diseases.

Many diseases are likely to develop into uremia, we can not prevent! These diseases include primary kidney disease, there are secondary kidney disease.

Chronic glomerular disease is one of the major causes of uremia. Such as chronic glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, caused by chronic glomerular disease caused by uremia accounted for about 60% of total uremia. Obstructive nephropathy, such as urinary tract stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder cancer and so on. Toxic kidney disease, such as drugs, heavy metal poisoning caused by renal failure. Infectious diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, and the like.
Secondary nephropathy, including high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., these diseases are very easy to involve kidney lesions. Diabetes is a metabolic disease and a high incidence in recent years.

With the improvement of people's living standards, diabetes and other metabolic diseases increased, but also increased the risk of uremia. Such as diabetic nephropathy, gouty kidney disease. Renal tubular nephropathy, such as renal tubular acidosis and so on. Renal vascular disease, such as renal arteriosclerosis, renal artery stenosis. To prevent the format disorder.


Edema is a common manifestation of chronic nephritis nephritis patients suitable for exercise

According to authoritative survey, at present, the incidence of chronic kidney disease continues to rise in the world, of which the incidence of chronic kidney disease in China has even as high as 10.8%, means that every ten people have a chronic kidney disease. But unfortunately, in our country, adult awareness of chronic kidney disease is only 12.5%, many patients until the emergence of renal failure, uremia before going to the hospital for treatment, to the family and society to bring a heavy burden.

Edema is a common manifestation of chronic nephritis

Edema, especially the edema of both lower extremities, is the most common manifestation of patients with nephrotic syndrome. The other is the emergence of limb edema, and the emergence of pleural effusion, ascites. If the toilet is more careful when the patient can also be found in the presence of foam urine.

The so-called "bubble urine" is the solution of the urine there is a lingering bubble. But it should be noted that if the bubble in the urine only when the solution exists, tens of seconds to quickly dissipate, then no tension. Must be lingering bubble, only prompted the presence of proteinuria.

What causes the edema

1, renal edema. Suffering from acute nephritis chronic nephritis or nephropathy, due to reduced renal blood flow, sodium, water retention, increased capillary permeability, too much protein in the urine, will cause decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, the tissue gap has caused the accumulation of edema The

2, heart-like edema. When a variety of heart disease occurs right heart failure, because the venous blood can not flow back, causing intravenous pressure, body fluid leakage into the tissue gap, causing edema.

3, liver edema. Liver cirrhosis when the liver damage, portal venous obstruction, increased portal pressure, and liver failure when the plasma albumin is too low and other factors, can cause edema.
4, malnutrition edema.
5, local lower extremity edema. Due to lower extremity venous, lymphatic obstruction, resulting in body fluids into the tissue gap caused by lower extremity embolism phlebitis, lymphangitis, filariasis, pelvic or lower extremity tumor compression veins, the proposed diagnosis, re-treatment.

The benefits of exercise in patients with kidney disease

Nephrotic patients if the appropriate exercise, not only can enhance the body's resistance to disease, to maintain a pleasant mood, but also to a certain extent, increase the amount of food for malnutrition, lack of protein-induced muscle atrophy, there are some improvements. For long-term dialysis, you can more outdoor sports, sunbathing, access to vitamin D, to improve the incidence of renal bone disease. Skin itching is more common for patients with renal failure, especially in the elderly. To prevent skin itching is a dialysis full, appropriate bath, the skin irritating food not eat; the second is to do the appropriate exercise, exercise slightly sweating when the skin is appropriate, plus skin massage, promote blood circulation, prevention and treatment Skin itching.

Three kinds of invisible sugar, so that patients with diabetic nephropathy also can not go down

A diabetic nephropathy patients asked me "why I did not eat sugar, blood sugar not only did not decline but let it?" In fact, the reason is very simple, and "dress was thin, stripped of meat," the same reason. In fact, in addition to eating sugar in life, many foods are "invisible sugar", which is often easy to be ignored.
One of the invisible sugars: snacks
Snacks are essential for recreation snacks, loved by the majority of young friends. But a lot of snacks in the high sugar content, these snacks for our diabetic nephropathy is very harmful, is not conducive to the control of the disease.
If you really can not help but want to eat snacks, you can choose some sugar-free or sugar content of small snacks. Control the intake of sugar in the day. Like some creamy biscuits, candy, candied fruit, chocolate and so on. Not suitable for our diabetic nephropathy.

Invisible sugar two: drink
Most drinks contain sugar, preservatives, carbon dioxide, pigments and so on for the human body is very bad. And studies have shown that drinking sugar or sugar drinks drink drinks, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Drink drink will aggravate the condition, so that the disease further deteriorated.
So we diabetic patients with kidney disease, be sure to pay attention, do not drink any more. Drink or water and tea-based. But the amount of water should not be too much, depending on the circumstances.

Invisible sugar three: fruit
Many fruits are sweet and their main ingredients are sugar, such as glucose, fructose and sucrose. Some fruits also contain small amounts of starch. If the fruit is not properly eaten, the patient's blood sugar will rise and the condition will be repeated.
You can choose low sugar index fruit, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, kiwi, strawberries, etc., the apple can be appropriate to eat. Like pomegranates, bananas, jujube such sugar content of relatively high fruit, should not eat.


Hyperuricemia can cause a variety of renal injury prevention of acute kidney injury

At present, the renal damage caused by hyperuricemia can be divided into acute uric acid nephropathy, uric acid renal stone and chronic uric acid nephropathy. Among them, acute uric acid nephropathy refers to a short period of time a large number of uric acid crystals accumulated in the renal collecting tube, renal pelvis and ureter, often lead to acute renal failure. Uric acid renal calculi is another important performance of hyperuricemia renal damage, microscopic examination of uric acid crystals in the renal papilla and collecting tube deposition, smaller stones can be discharged with urine, often not detected by patients. Large stones can block the urinary tract, causing renal colic, hematuria and secondary infection, and can appear pyelonephritis. Chronic uric acid nephropathy, also known as gouty nephropathy, the onset of the disease is hidden, often unknowingly cause damage to the kidney, leading to decreased renal function. When the clinical symptoms, renal function has decreased significantly.

The severity of renal damage was related to the duration and amplitude of serum uric acid. In these patients, chronic hyperuricemia results in the deposition of urate crystals in the distal collecting duct and the renal interstitium, especially in the renal medulla and papillary region. In the course of a long period of time, the kidney can not only form a stone, but also accompanied by fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and arterial wall thickening.

Lowering blood uric acid can improve renal function
Elevated serum uric acid levels will have a greater impact on renal function, especially in the presence of chronic uric acid nephropathy onset, if not treated in time, to the late stage of the disease, the patient and society will cause a huge burden.

Some studies have found that lowering serum uric acid can improve renal function. Routine examination of blood uric acid is recommended for early detection of hyperuricemia. The diet of the patients with hyperuricemia should be based on low purine food, strictly control the intake of seafood, animal offal, concentrated broth and beer. Schedule for daily food 100g contained in purine content. In the case of hyperuricemia, the main type of food intake was to reduce the intake of type.

At the same time to change the way of life, according to the severity of the disease to consider the use of allopurinol, sodium bicarbonate and benzene bromine Malone and other drugs to reduce blood uric acid. Avoid drug application so that the blood uric acid increased, such as diuretics (especially thiazide), glucocorticoids, insulin, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, nicotine, pyrazinamide and nicotinic acid etc..
When the patient's renal function has been significantly reduced, can be controlled in the premise of the disease in the early diet and drug treatment. When patients with oliguria, edema and heart failure, should control the intake of salt and water. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists, such as Kato Pury, perindopril and irbesartan, may also be used. These drugs can reduce proteinuria and inhibit inflammation of renal tissue, thereby delaying the decline of renal function.

Acute kidney injury is a common clinical syndrome, and its morbidity and mortality are high in china. It is reported that China has nearly 4 million people suffering from the disease every year, and the number of patients has been rising year by year. Kidney internal medicine experts pointed out that acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease is treatable, as long as the regular physical examination, pay attention to the details of life, to a large extent can also be prevented.

With the increasingly high incidence of hypertension and diabetes, high difficulty and extensive surgery, drug abuse and environmental pollution, kidney disease has become a serious threat to human health, especially the epidemic, guide the public to kidney disease in high-risk population to prevent acute kidney injury has become increasingly urgent.

To prevent acute kidney injury should pay attention to the following points:
1. High risk groups should be a regular physical examination: experts said that the elderly, patients with kidney disease are high risk of acute kidney injury, including patients with underlying kidney disease is more likely to occur acute kidney injury. The most common underlying diseases are diabetes and hypertension. If there are people with these diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to check whether there is a problem with their kidneys. Experts suggest that high-risk groups or ordinary people to do regular regular physical examination, which should be routine urine. If abnormal urine routine, it is recommended to do a renal function test, and then do a B ultrasound.

2. Do not abuse drugs: in particular, to prevent the abuse of aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as anti-inflammatory painkillers, as well as containing aristolochic acid composition of traditional Chinese medicine. Experts remind the majority of users, especially those with high risk of acute kidney injury, usually medication must be careful, if these drugs are prone to acute kidney injury.

3. Usually pay attention to the prevention of infection: avoid poisoning, such as bee venom, snake venom, mushroom, fish bile poisoning. On the one hand, some bacterial virus infection and poisoning itself can lead to kidney damage, on the other hand, the use of drugs for the treatment of infection may lead to kidney damage. Fever is sometimes caused by the use of antipyretic, a large number of sweat, dehydration, kidney perfusion can lead to acute kidney injury.

4. Pay attention to the daily diet: experts said that if you appear edema, urine volume and other circumstances should pay attention to control of drinking water. If you have heart failure, pulmonary edema and other symptoms to control diet. Patients with high blood pressure should also pay attention to low salt diet. In addition, we should also pay attention to nutrition intake.

5. Proper exercise, do not exercise too much: if you do not exercise at ordinary times, suddenly suddenly increase the amount of exercise, it is also likely to cause acute kidney injury. This is because of excessive exercise, resulting in muscle dissolution, myoglobin released into the blood in the muscle, the formation of crystals in the renal tubule, blocking the renal tubules, affecting the renal function, which lead to acute kidney injury


Kidney cysts, lifestyle is very important

Renal cyst is a more serious kidney disease, but in the early stages because there is no obvious symptoms and not easily found, often found that after the need for surgery with the treatment. But with the popularity of the means of inspection in recent years, through the B-can be found on the smaller cysts, and for small cysts, usually only need to rest and pay attention to inspection, no signs of recurrence can be observed. But for some of the severe renal cysts, treatment at the same time, lifestyle changes and conditioning is also very important. Let us work together to understand the living habits of renal cysts.

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Kidney cysts to keep a good living habits

1.Control of protein intake is important because high-protein diets can increase the high filtration of glomeruli in patients with early renal cysts. Has been a large number of proteinuria, edema and renal insufficiency in the intake of protein should take the principle of limited shelf life, in principle, the daily intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is appropriate in the intake of protein food, due to plant protein comparison It is difficult to be used by the human body, so it is best to animal protein as well.
2.Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to control blood sugar. Can be through the usual low-sugar diet and intake of sugar control is achieved, try to avoid some sweets and high sugar content of fruit consumption, can also be taken with some hypoglycemic drugs, but for patients with advanced renal cysts , Some ingredients of hypoglycemic agents may increase the burden on the kidney, which can be used to switch to insulin treatment.

3.The last thing to note is to control blood pressure. Usually in the diet to pay attention to light, to avoid drinking and coffee and other irritating drinks, for some of the blood pressure caused by drugs or food should be avoided. If you are more fat and used to eat some high-fat and calorie foods, it is necessary to pay attention to appropriate exercise to lose weight, but also help to enhance the body's resistance. When necessary, you can also take some appropriate antihypertensive drugs for blood pressure.

Remember should also be in the emotional conditioning, to avoid the ups and downs of emotions, to maintain a happy mood, which for the recovery of any disease are beneficial.

What is easy for renal failure?

Kidney disease can cause changes in urine output, and the emergence of hematuria, proteinuria. If you do not pay attention to treatment, and ultimately can develop to renal failure, is that people usually say uremia.

1, patients with primary glomerulonephritis

There are many types of primary glomerulonephritis, of which chronic glomerulonephritis caused by chronic renal failure is the most common. Chronic glomerulonephritis (chronic nephritis) is still unknown etiology, onset insidious, longer duration, clinical manifestations were diversified, there may be proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema, and varying degrees of renal dysfunction , The condition of light weight, and gradually developed into chronic renal failure.

2, diabetes and kidney disease patients

With the aging of our population, people's lifestyles and diet changes, the number of people suffering from diabetes increased rapidly in recent years. In many complications of diabetes, kidney damage is the most widely overlooked by doctors and patients. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most important complications of diabetes, especially in diabetic patients with a higher incidence of more than 5 years, the performance of the kidney volume increases, increased glomerular filtration function, increased protein from urine to a large number of proteinuria Serum creatinine increased, decreased renal function, and ultimately end-stage renal failure. Most patients to be abnormal urine test, edema or serum creatinine was significantly higher when the treatment to the kidney, this time has been delayed the best treatment time, drug treatment is often not ideal. Therefore, in the early stage of diabetic nephropathy for active treatment, control of blood sugar, reduce proteinuria, lower blood pressure, protect renal function, delay the deterioration of renal function is important.

3, hypertensive nephropathy patients

As with diabetes, the prevalence of hypertension has increased rapidly since the eighties, and the higher the incidence is, the more common the disease is common in the elderly. People are aware of high blood pressure can cause heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, in fact, sustained blood pressure will increase the burden on the kidneys, causing kidney damage, early onset of nocturia increased, followed by proteinuria, renal function progressive damage, serum creatinine Elevated, and finally into the renal failure. Therefore, we closely monitor blood pressure at the same time, regular routine urine and renal function tests, early detection of kidney damage, early treatment.

Treatment of renal failure

1, dialysis

For patients who have lost their function in the kidneys, they will mediate the treatment of dialysis to help the kidneys eliminate excreted and toxic substances in the body. Dialysis refers to the use of filtration methods, to selectively exclude some of the blood in the material. That is, through the use of artificial methods to patients after renal failure in the accumulation of toxic substances in the body excluded, while the water and salt are also excluded, so that patients slowly recover. In addition, if acute renal failure patients do not get timely treatment, into chronic renal failure, it is likely that because of uremia and the need for life dialysis.

2, kidney transplantation

For patients with advanced renal failure, the need for long-term through dialysis to maintain life. Therefore, if the patient's own conditions are more appropriate, then you can through the kidney for the treatment of the method. But the kidney is a relatively large risk of surgery, although the current medicine has been more developed, but still need to do a lot of assessment before surgery, in order to improve the chance of kidney. However, for patients with advanced renal failure, kidney replacement is indeed a way to make patients live a normal life.


Kidney stones patients can drink tea kidney stones how to diet

We all know that a lot of drinking water on the treatment of kidney stones is very good. Experts point out that this is mainly to drink water so that urine is diluted, urine calcium and oxalate concentration decreased, so that can not form a kidney stone. However, suffering from kidney stones, the patient can drink tea? Let's take a look. A large number of drinking water on the prevention and treatment of kidney stones, more water to make the urine diluted, calcium and oxalate concentration will be reduced, the formation of calcium oxalate stones.

Experts said that kidney stones patients can not drink tea. Because tea and water, after all, is different, tea contains water does not have the material, will have a certain impact on kidney stones patients. Tea cool after a lot of oxalate, will form a small stone, blocking the ureter, increasing the risk of suffering from kidney stones. In this regard, the experts explained that about 80% of urethral calculus is calcium oxalate crystals, stones patients to drink less tea, drink plenty of water.

For ordinary people, the digestive juice will play a role in the formation of stones, so the probability of drinking cold tea stones much smaller. But the tea is rich in oxalic acid, just in case, to pay special attention to the amount of tea and the way.

Kidney stones patients and their families are very concerned about the diet of patients with kidney stones, we should pay more attention to food problems, so that it can be better treatment of kidney stones, kidney stones, what should the recipe? How is the diet arranged?

Kidney stones to eat one, drink plenty of water

Regardless of your type of stone, the most important way to prevent it is to increase the intake of water. Water can dilute urine and prevent high concentrations of salt and minerals from accumulating into stones. The appropriate amount of water is up to 2 liters of urine a day, even enough. If you work all day in the hot sun, you need to drink at least 5000ml of water.

Kidney stones to eat more, more intake of high-fiber foods

Appropriate to eat celery, whole wheat, vegetables, beans, wheat bran and other food, can reduce the deposition of crystals in the body, thereby reducing the chance of stone formation is conducive to the prevention of recurrence of kidney stones.

Kidney stones to eat three, add vitamin A

Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the health of the urethral endometrium, it also helps to prevent the recurrence of stones. Healthy adults, one day intake of 5,000 units (Iu) of vitamin A. A glass of carrot will provide 10,055 Iu of vitamin A. Other foods rich in vitamin A there are green cauliflower, apricot, melon, pumpkin, beef liver.

The specific dose of vitamin A is best approved by the physician, not free to increase the use of dose.