
Uremic patients can drink tea it?

As the saying goes, open seven things, "Fuel vinegar tea." Although tea came in last, but many people can not get away from it. In recent years, the relationship between domestic and foreign scholars on tea and human health is concerned. But is not it also uremic patients can have tea it?
It is known that tea contains more than 350 kinds of chemical substances, such as tannic acid, VA, VC, VB, etc. Tea can add some essential trace elements, certain diseases to humans also have a preventive effect. The study shows that drinking tea can reduce blood viscosity, prevent thrombosis, reducing capillary permeability and fragility, and lower serum cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein, the role of prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and have anti-aging and increase immunity. Drink tea can make people excited, has a strong heart, diuretic, astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and other effects, long-term tea water, can eliminate fatigue, enhance memory and so on.
Uremia is the most serious stage renal failure, at this stage, in addition to water and electrolyte metabolism and acid-base balance, since a large number of metabolites in vivo retention and presents the digestive tract, heart, lungs, nerves, muscles, skin , a wide range of systemic symptoms such as blood, a serious threat to the health and safety of patients. Kidney experts pointed out, this time in uremic patients in addition to actively cooperate with the treatment, but also pay special attention to everyday diet and other aspects of health care.
However, tea contains caffeine, about the equivalent of a cup of tea in a cup of coffee contains 30% to 50% of caffeine, tea contains caffeine lot more. Have proven that caffeine can cause distortion of the body's normal cells, there may be carcinogenic, but a lot had to drink tea, so excited over the human nervous system, heart, kidney burden, promote gastrin secretion induced peptic ulcer, and, tannin and acid easy iron-binding, reduce the absorption of iron hematopoietic factor, is very unfavorable for the rehabilitation of uremia, therefore, summary, uremic patients can drink tea, but tea must be moderate in uremic patients, but can not drink tea.
Above is whether uremic patients can drink tea some insight, I hope to give you some help. If you want to know more questions, you can leave a message to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com, we will promptly answer your questions.

