
Uremic patients diet should pay attention to what it?

Uremic patients because of severe kidney damage, kidney function is not very good original play, then uremic patients diet should pay attention to what it: Experts advise uremic patients should limit intake of protein, but does not prohibit photo into proteins. Some patients with abdominal distension and poor appetite, coupled with the "limit protein intake" concept, so meat, eggs, milk, almost a little to eat, eat porridge plus vegetables, resulting in less heat. Over time, it will lead to malnutrition. In fact, uremic patients, especially weight loss, dietary oils and starch should be increased in order to supply the body enough calories, reduce body protein breakdown.
Similarly, some patients receiving hemodialysis treatment, dialysis may be considered harmful to the body and the excess material removed, thus relaxing the dietary restrictions, in fact, this is a wrong perception. Chronic renal failure patients on maintenance hemodialysis, often oliguria or no urine, therefore, the water intake must be limited, otherwise it will lead to edema; hypertension and heart failure and other complications. Maintenance hemodialysis patients a day into the water to much as well, should be based on the specific circumstances of the patient may be.
Uremia patient's diet in principle Expenditure and Revenues, maintain balance. Including the amount of urine, vomiting and diarrhea amount of water loss is not dominant (400-600ral / 24h) and dialysis amount of dehydration. The amount includes the total daily water intake, the water content in food and in vivo metabolism of endogenous water. Determine body water liquid equilibrium easiest way is to measure the weight, dialysis patients should be weighed daily, weight gain during dialysis requirements remain within l a 1.5kg, weight change in a short time are the result of changes in the body of liquid water.
Generally, dialysis patients with a weekly, daily water intake was l00ml plus 24 hours of urine and anuria patient does not exceed the amount of daily water l00ml; dialysis patients 2 times a week, the amount of daily water 300ml plus 24h urine volume and water intake in patients with no urine does not exceed 300ml; dialysis three times a week, and one day plus water intake for 500ml of urine, no urine of patients daily water intake of no more than 500ml. Dialysis patients can not rely on increasing ultrafiltration to improve their daily intake of water, because of the large number of rapid hemodialysis ultrafiltration water will cause a variety of symptoms decreased blood pressure, cramps, headache, and chronic water overload can increase cardiovascular load, adverse consequences. As for salt management, usually should avoid all kinds of high-salt foods, such as salted fish, salted egg, bacon, pickles, sauce and a variety of pickled products, in oliguria, edema, increased blood pressure, salt intake should be controlled the amount, on behalf of the salt should not be abused.

