
Had purpura nephropathy should be treated

Purpura nephropathy is kidney damage caused by systemic allergic purpura, if not timely treatment, the patient will develop into uremia stage, the patient will cause more damage. Therefore, the patient was found to be timely treatment after he got Purpura nephropathy. Prevention and early treatment of patients will have a good prognosis.
In the treatment of purpura nephropathy, to follow a few principles. Several aspects of this treatment, can make treatment more targeted to achieve better therapeutic effect.
1 to reduce and relieve symptoms
2 rebuild the immune system
3 to improve kidney function
What are now some of the more common treatment purpura nephropathy treatment.
- Steroid therapy
Steroid hormones are often used to treat a number of acute and chronic diseases, it is mainly the effect is to inhibit inflammation. In the treatment of kidney disease purpura, when steroid therapy to alleviate some of the symptoms are mainly caused purpura, such as fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, edema, proteinuria and hematuria.
- Traditional Chinese medicine treatment
Chinese medicine has a long history up to 2500, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of natural therapies for patients produce very little side effects. Chinese medicine treatment to help relieve symptoms of purpura kidney patients, and effectively improve kidney function.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatments include herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, micro-based therapy, medicated bath and cupping therapy and so on.
- Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is used to treat many doctors propaganda immune systemic disease. By detecting the immune complexes in patients with type, use a minimum of side effects on the human body to treat hormone purpura nephritis. In addition, the application of blood purification technology to purify the blood, removing toxic substances in the patient's body and immune complexes, can help patients effectively treat purpura nephropathy.
- Dialysis
Purpura usually used to treat dialysis patients reach the stage of renal failure, when the kidneys are not able to discharge blood litter and waste. These wastes poisons accumulate in the body can cause more serious complications, such as hypertension, heart failure and liver disease, and so on.
Dialysis can help patients rid their bodies of some poisons, such as blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and urea and so on. But dialysis does not discharge all waste poisons, patients can try some other blood purification techniques include plasma exchange, immunoadsorption, blood perfusion and continuous blood purification technology.
These are some common treatments of kidney disease treatment purpura, patients can choose their own treatment according to their condition. Timely and effective treatment can help patients relieve symptoms and improve kidney function, slow process of renal failure, so that patients have a good prognosis.

