Hazard lupus nephritis lupus nephritis what happened to the patient's life has brought great harm, the following is a detailed description?:
1 discoid erythema: superb flaky skin erythema, desquamation and hair follicles adhesion horny tied; old lesions can occur atrophic scars.
2 light allergy: lupus nephritis patients have obvious reaction to sunlight, causing rashes, can learn from history or observed by a doctor.
3 oral ulcers: The doctor observed oral or nasopharyngeal ulcers, usually painless.
4 Arthritis: Non-erosive arthritis involving two or more peripheral joints, tenderness, swelling or effusion.
5 Serositis: pleurisy or pericarditis.
In addition, lupus nephritis is mainly a greater impact on the fetus, miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth and intrauterine growth retardation were significantly increased and high risk of maternal pre-eclampsia. The incidence of eclampsia, miscarriage rate, rate of preterm birth, stillbirth rates are high. The situation stillbirth rate depends on the degree of lupus disease activity, renal function and whether the merger proteinuria and hypertension.
Lupus nephritis is a kidney disease, is one of the main causes of death in kidney patients. Systemic lupus erythematosus itself are among the major diseases, and most of it will be complicated by kidney patients kidney damage. After the discovery of a number of diseases, some patients with lupus nephritis did not seriously, and therefore missed the best timing of treatment kidney disease, causing serious consequences unavoidable. Therefore, we must regularly to the regular hospital for physical examination nephropathy, after the disease was found in a timely manner to kidney disease hospital.
If you want to know more questions about kidney disease, you can also access the http://www.kidneyhospitalchina.org, we'll answer your questions, you can also direct message to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com We will reply as soon as possible your message.