How does Hot Compress Therapy treat kidney disease?
As introduced by doctors of TCM, every organ has their corresponding acupoint on the skin, and bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) are responsible for two kidneys. Hot Compress Therapy is one treatment that uses hot osmotic devices filled with micro-process medicines to compress on Shenshu acupoints, so effective ingredients of medicines can permeate into kidneys via skin and work directly.
Ironing therapy
Ironing therapy is the drug or other objects scrambled hot iron or cold affected area, with the help of medicinal properties and temperature and other physical effects, so that the flow of blood to achieve the purpose of a method of treatment, but also Tibetan medicine special therapy, can be divided into cold method and Hot iron method, the law through the role of drug and temperature, so that open and close, qi and blood transfer, cooling (or cold) pain, wind and dehumidification, to achieve therapeutic effect.