
It can be cured uremic dialysis

Uremia is not an independent disease, but a group of clinical syndromes, end-stage chronic renal failure stage. Loss of kidney function, in order to appear in a series of metabolic disorders and symptoms. Generally, dialysis therapy used to treat uremia. Many people have asked to uremia uremia can cure it? Next, kidney specialists Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital will give you a specific answer.
So far, dialysis has helped a lot of uremic patients prolong their life. So, does this mean that dialysis can be cured of their disease? But this is not true, although dialysis patients can help alleviate the condition, prolong life, but it can not cure uremia. Kidney dialysis treatment just because an alternative therapy, but can not repair damaged kidneys. Generally, it can help patients remove small molecules, including creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and water. But it can not replace kidney function, such as generating erythropoietin, generate urine, maintain electrolyte balance.
Although the long-term dialysis may have many side effects, but for some uremic patients, it is also an emergency replacement therapy can help patients get rid of life-threatening. For some patients with acute renal failure and the emergence of symptoms of uremia, dialysis is a good choice. In short, for uremic patients, renal function is the key to improving the treatment of uremia. Timely and effective treatment can also help to avoid or get rid of uremic patients on dialysis.
In short, dialysis can not treat uremia. Timely and effective treatment can also help patients alleviate the condition, improve kidney function, get rid of dialysis and so on. Among them, the effective treatment of uremia our hospital micro penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, blood purification therapy, immunotherapy, etc. If you are interested in our therapy, you can leave a message to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com, we will keep you answers.

