
How renal failure diet?

Renal failure is always a serious kidney problems, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, we should take note in the diet, then how kidney failure diet it? Here to introduce you:
Kidney failure diet should note the following:
1, dietary treatment of renal failure must be reasonable, nutrition, in the course of treatment should avoid contact with all kinds of food allergies, avoid fish, shrimp, crab, pollen, milk, etc. may induce renal failure diet.
2, for the treatment of renal failure diet, the diet should pay attention to some foods, such as salty category, spicy category, is dirty, stained barbecue, these foods are not eaten. For the occurrence of renal insufficiency or uremia who can not eat beans and finished products, limiting high-protein animal foods, greasy foods and so on.
3, severe kidney disease if there is no edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions. Because renal function decreased concentration, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys, if the time limit water intake, metabolites did not break out, it will cause congestion, more serious consequences.
4, proper diet, not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, to ensure nutritional balance. Whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig meat etc edible.
5, in order to avoid further aggravate the condition of renal failure, patients can exercise and enhance their health and improve immunity to individuals of various types of infection and prevent disease progression.
6, moderation of salt, to be adjusted according to the condition and level of kidney function in patients with renal failure patients should not therefore a strict salt restriction.
The above is simply to introduce you to some of the problems renal failure patients in the diet should pay attention to if you want to know more questions, you can consult our online doctor or comments below to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com we will get back to you

