Many kidney patients are told not to eat too many bananas, but they do not know why not eat too many bananas, what happens if you eat? So eating too much of the third stage renal disease in patients with bananas what will happen? I hope the following article you can provide some help for you.
Why should the patients with stage 3 kidney disease not eat bananas?
Bananas do have many benefits for people, and due to its great taste, it is favorite with many people. But the patients with stage 3 kidney disease have many limitations on diet, they are forced to eat a low-potassium, low-phosphorus, low-sodium, low-fat, low quantity but high quality protein diet. While bananas contain a lot of potassium, which is contrary to the diet requirement of the patients with kidney disease.
Besides, stage 3 kidney disease means that your Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) has decreased to 59ml/min≥GFR≥30ml/min, that is to say, your kidneys are damaged severely. And at this time, a series of symptoms and complications appear, so you need to limit your diet strictly.
What will happen if i eat bananas too much with stage 3 kidney disease?
Because bananas are rich in potassium, eating bananas too much will increase the potassium in blood, which is bad for the patients with stage 3 kidney disease. Because high potassium in blood can cause hyperkalemia, which severely threatens the lives of the patients with stage 3 kidney disease, in some cases, it can cause sudden death. So the patients with kidney disease do not eat bananas.
The above is a brief look at why the third stage of kidney patients can not eat bananas, eat what would happen, if you want to learn more about kidney disease areas, you can leave a message to