One, free drinking water. Ongoing chronic renal fa
ilure patients on hemodialysis, the majority of people 24 hours urine output is less than the normal person. Due to the presence of edema body now, doctors generally want to limit the patient's daily water intake. Once finished hemodialysis, the symptoms have been alleviated, patients are very easy to relax their vigilance, free drinking water. Continuous hemodialysis for kidney patients, the body of excess water intake will cause edema, high blood pressure and heart failure and other complications. Body of the patient in addition to the intake of drinking water, but also contains patients food intake of fruit, the feeding of water a day, which is not clear in many patients, the blind food, water, eventually leading to its deterioration nephropathy.
Second, high sodium, high potassium, high protein diet. To treat kidney failure during dietary salt restriction, dialysis after the end of this issue also needs attention. Renal insufficiency continued dialysis kidney patients that they need regular dialysis, hemodialysis symptoms when the body will be able to solve the problem, a lot of the number of kidney patients on hemodialysis over-reliance on the existence of such a wrong understanding. In fact, hemodialysis is only a temporary substitute to play the role of the kidneys to work, renal insufficiency in patients with kidney disease, especially in patients with oliguria occurs, the body's sodium, high potassium levels, severe high sodium potassium life has a direct threat to the safety of patients effect.
In addition, dialysis patients will lose a portion of the protein, hemodialysis patients are deliberately more to add some protein. High protein diet intake, making the patient an overdose savings protein, which will increase the patient's azotemia, hyperlipidemia occur.