
Four nephrotic syndrome diet Note

Clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome proteinuria hypoalbuminemia hyperlipidemia and high degree of edema, diet therapy is very important.
(1) Limit salt: edema should be based on the patient, avoid salt height edema, edema and not entirely by low-salt (about 3 grams per day), edema subsided to near normal plasma protein recovery, can give ordinary diet.
(2) protein intake: nephrotic syndrome discharge proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia often makes colloid osmotic pressure drop, so that edema refractory Nan Xiao, body resistance is also fall, so early in the nephrotic syndrome, the absence of renal failure cases, you should ensure that an adult at all times daily for about 0.7 to 1.0 g / kg body weight of protein intake helps relieve hypoalbuminemia and consequent complications.
(3) Fat: patients with nephrotic syndrome is often accompanied by hyperlipidemia in patients with mild disease type can be improved due to the short term, it is fat intake is not restricted; membranous nephropathy patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome, long-term. hyperlipidemia can cause arteriosclerosis, therefore, should be limited to hoof Bang, fat and rich in animal fat.
(4) vitamins, calcium and trace elements intake: Due to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane in patients with nephrotic syndrome, which in addition to the loss of protein in the urine, while the loss of certain elements and hormones and protein binding can cause indirect calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc., which can be used drugs or food supplies.

