2. lest harm kidneys chemicals. To prevent cadmium, chloroform, ethylene glycol and tetrachlorethylene supplies and the environment. They are commonly found in pesticides, car exhaust, paint, building and household clean-up agent.
3. limit the amount of food with high picks. Have been found in some household goods usually chemical elements and associated acute and chronic kidney disease, as long as carefully read the product description, and more to take some protective methods, is town to prevent these harmful substances. (cadmium: This rare metal used in the production of pesticides, rubber tires as well as plastics, paints and other products because of cadmium in industrial uses is very wide, has a wide range of food and water in some find the following points should lead to attention. .)
4. Restrict intake of foods containing high amounts of cadmium, such as food from animals made from the liver and kidney, halibut, mussels, scallops, oysters and oyster in the sludge grown vegetables.
Tips: uremic patients in life we must pay attention to diet, balanced nutrition, there are sections in the diet do not eat whatever you want, to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys, affecting their own health.