Children kidney disease is a common kidney disease, a serious threat to the lives and health of children, because children the unique physical, can also cause a variety of serious complications, and even endanger the lives of children. Early symptoms of kidney disease on children, there are many parents do not understand, which led to the aggravation of the disease, the following experts to tell you about.
Symptoms: edema
This is very common in children with nephrotic a symptom, mild edema occurred in the eyelid and other soft parts of the body, the condition is severe edema will spread to the whole body, mild symptoms of edema can sometimes disappear on their own.
Symptoms II: abnormal urine
Increased mainly as there is no reason for the symptoms of nocturia and dark urine, there will be a lot of protein in urine, once the symptoms need to go to hospital for treatment.
Symptom three: Infection
This is a common symptom of kidney disease for children, and many more respiratory infections based, in addition also cause intestinal infections and urinary tract infections.
Symptom four: hypovolemia and shock
Children with nephrotic patients with systemic edema occurs when blood volume decreases, when the use of diuretics or vomiting, low blood volume will increase, will result in severe shock.
Symptoms Five: Anemia
Children of kidney function in patients with severely impaired renal disease, there hypoproteinemia, resulting in children pale, malnutrition and fatigue and other symptoms.