
Note that patients with kidney stones diet

Kidney stones majority located in the renal pelvis, renal calculi rare. Flat film showed kidney area with a single or multiple round, oval or obtuse triangle dense shadow, uniform and high density. Edge multi-smooth, but there was not a smooth mulberry like. In the renal pelvis small stones can be moved with the position, consistent with the larger stones where the cavity shape and its form, can be expressed as a typical staghorn coral shape. Sometimes stones can fill the renal pelvis and similar pyelography performance. Lateral view of most kidney stones and spine overlap.
Note that a kidney stone diet, avoid eating foods rich in oxalate
About 60 percent of the stones are calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, we should limit intake of oxalate-rich foods, including beans, beets, celery, chocolate, grapes, green peppers, parsley, spinach, strawberries and vegetables cabbage Section. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine, tea, chocolate, dried figs, lamb, nuts, green peppers, black tea, poppy seeds and so on.
Note that two kidney stones diet, low-salt diet
If you have calcium stones, should reduce salt intake. Your daily salt intake should be reduced to 2-3 grams. Beginning may appear suited to the tastes, and the occurrence of poor appetite, gradual reduction approach can also be used to promote appetite and food by changing the color, shape, cooking methods.
Note that three kidney stones diet, limiting the amount of vitamin C
If you're prone to the formation of calcium oxalate stones should limit the amount of vitamin C. One day over 3-4g, oxalic acid may increase manufacturing, thus increasing the probability of occurrence of kidney stones. Do intake of high potency vitamin C supplements.
Kidney stones diet attention to four, control calcium intake
More than half of kidney stones are made ​​of calcium or calcium product formation. If you're on a back stones, mainly calcium ingredients, then you have to pay attention to calcium intake. If you are taking nutritional supplements, you first need to consult the physician's advice, to see whether it is really necessary. Second is to check daily calcium intake of food, including milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products. Milk and antacids may produce kidney stones.
Note that five kidney stones diet, control of protein intake
Kidney stones and protein intake has a direct correlation. Protein is easy to make urine uric acid, calcium and phosphorus occurs, leading to the formation of stones. If you suffered from calcium stones, special attention should be whether excessive intake of protein, especially if you had too much uric acid or cystine calculi in medical history. Limit eating 180 grams of protein-rich foods each day, including meat, cheese, chicken and fish.
Note that six kidney stones diet, not taking too much vitamin D
Overdose of vitamin D may lead to the accumulation of calcareous parts of the body. Daily intake of vitamin D is best not to exceed 400IU.
Note seven kidney stones diet, pay attention to stomach ingredient
Some common antacids containing high amounts of calcium. If you suffer from calcium stones, but you also are taking antacids should check the ingredients of this drug description to determine whether or not containing calcium. If it contains calcium, you should consult a physician opinions, whether you can take, if you do not fit you can change other drugs instead.
Kidney patients in the diet has a lot of attention, although it is difficult to adhere to, but for their own health concerns still need to perform rigorous. Here sincerely wish every patient can recover as soon as possible!

