
Immunoadsorption therapy

Immunoadsorption therapy is a blood purification, so that it is essentially a mixed immune complexes in the blood flowing through a special apparatus, this particular apparatus is provided with a specific immune complex with the binding substance to specifically adsorb these immune harmful substances, which can be the combination of immune complexes in blood substance called immune adsorbent. In the process carried out in vitro.
Immunosorbent assay is to help kidney disease patients, especially in patients with autoimmune kidney disease in the body to remove pathogenic advanced foreign body in a blood purification therapy. These foreign bodies including pathogenic autoantibodies, immune complexes loop, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin, a lot of low-density lipoprotein, a variety of side effects, loops and other toxins and endotoxins.
Immunoadsorption treatment process is to lead the patient's body and into the blood flowing through the plasma separator separating plasma and the plasma is introduced immunoadsorption with immune adsorbent, adsorption removal in a manner to selectively cure the material, and then the purified plasma reinfusion patient for therapeutic purposes.
Immunoadsorption indications:
1. variety of rheumatic autoimmune diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus and vasculitis.
2. autoimmune skin disease
3. kidney disease, especially in immune-related glomerulonephritis include kidney purpura, IgA nephropathy.
4. digestive system diseases
5. Myasthenia gravis and guillain-barre syndrome and other diseases of the nervous system
6. decency blood diseases such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia
7. hyperlipidemia and type I diabetes and other endocrine and metabolic diseases.
Immunoadsorption therapy for treatment of kidney disease
1. to help clear the blood of foreign matter pathogenic, especially immune complex
2. patients with symptoms of the disease
3. effective organization of the disease, and without any side effects

