
How to effectively treat high blood pressure kidney disease?

High blood pressure, kidney disease is caused by long-term high blood pressure kidney disease. If not treated, the patient can appear a series of symptoms, such as a large amount of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and edema, etc., so as to accelerate the process of kidney failure. However, if timely and effective treatment in the early days, can control the illness, prevent kidney failure. So, how to effectively treat high blood pressure kidney disease?
One, early, mild hypertension and normal routine urine roughly to non-drug therapy, keep good mood, reduce weight, limit salt, alcohol, practice qigong and Tai chi chuan, proper physical exercise, etc.
Second, maintain defecate unobstructed, eat more foods rich in vitamins and fiber, serious when available pills for qing ning, qing ning's family. Appropriate USES Chinese traditional medicine Radix bupleuri definite orange soup, gastrodia elata uncaria drink, etc.
Three, with hyperlipidemia, diabetes and high uric acid hematic disease, should give corresponding treatment. Use of antiplatelet aggregation and adhesion of drugs at the same time, such as dipyridamole and aspirin, may have the effect of preventing renal arteriolar sclerosis.
Four, of antihypertensive drugs: (1) diuretics;(2) beta blockers;3. Calcium channel blockers;(4) angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI).The calcium channel blockers and ACEI hemodynamic more advantageous to the kidneys and ACEI reduce urine protein is better than other blood pressure medicines. To effectively control blood pressure to normal or near normal (18.7/12 kpa, 140/90 MMHG) can prevent, stable or delay hypertensive renal damage.
Five, malignant renal arteriolar sclerosis patients renal function deteriorated rapidly in the short term, the merger with hypertensive encephalopathy, eyesight drops rapidly, intracranial hemorrhage, and can't oral drugs, intravenous drug, commonly used sodium nitrate tome, strive for control of blood pressure in 12 to 24 hours. Long press can quickly reduce blood pressure, suitable for the initial treatment of malignant hypertension.
Six, kidney function not full-time should also give the kidney dialysis therapy and alternative therapy. If you want to know about our effective therapy in the treatment of renal insufficiency, you can send mail to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com we will give you a reply in a timely manner.
How to effectively treat high blood pressure kidney disease?Now you should have a general understanding, in short, the sooner the treatment the better the results.In the early high blood pressure, kidney disease can be reversed. If you have other questions, you can consult our online free doctor we will give you a reply in a timely manner.

